Free April Fool History,Food Ideas & Recipes,sms jokes, shayari, funny sms, msg, sms hindi greetings, tricks, pranks, images, wallpapers, videos
April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day is a day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on a fool's errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. Traditionally, in some countries, such as the UK, Australia, Canada and South Africa the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool". Elsewhere, such as in France, Ireland, Italy, Russia, The Netherlands, and the U.S., the jokes last all day.
The origin of April Fools' Day is obscure. One likely theory is that the modern holiday was first celebrated soon after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar; the term referred to someone still adhering to the Julian Calendar, which it replaced.[2] In many pre-Christian cultures May Day (May 1) was celebrated as the first day of summer, and signalled the start of the spring planting season. An April Fool may have been someone who did this prematurely. Another possible origin lies in the fact that when King Charles IX of France officially changed the first day of the year from April 1 to January 1, some of his subjects continued using the old system.
In the eighteenth century the festival was often posited as going back to the time of Noah. According to an English newspaper article published April 13, 1789, the day had its origin when Noah sent his dove off too early, before the waters had receded; he did this on the first day of the Hebrew month that corresponds with April
A possible reference to April Fools' Day can be seen in the Canterbury Tales (ca 1400) in the Nun's Priest's tale, a tale of two fools (Chanticleer and the fox), which took place on March 32.
Likewise April Fool, there was a Disguise Day celebrated in Rome in 18th Century. In this Roman men used to disguise and change their looks by becoming more good looking. The disguised men then used to approach the girl for marriage. It was a belief that this disguise used to bring joy, happiness and a new beginning of life in the girls' life. It was then in 19th century when it started celebrating on the 18th of february. The day is marked as disguise day to bring happiness in girls' life.
April Fool Food Ideas & Recipes
Have all the fun cooking and witnessing the shock on the faces of the people with these hilarious outstanding recipes, carved out only for April Fools' Day. On April Fools' Day, serve the dishes in the reverse order. Thus, your guests are treated to the dessert first, then the main dish, then the salad and appetizer comes only at the last. It is a good idea to mix up the utensils and the containers so gravy goes into the sugar bowl, soup in casserole dish, salads in the glasses and appetizers in soup bowls.
The other ideas include missing and mixing up everything like serving jello in ice-cream cones, super sour candies, pizza with silly face toppings, pancakes for lunch, ice cream cake and eating everything with chopsticks. Make everyone wear bibs like kids or innovate by tying their hands behind their backs and then make them eat using only their mouths. Here are some fun-to-do recipes too.
April Fool SMS [messages]:
Sardar got into a bus on 1st April
when conductor asked for ticket.
He gave Rs.10/-
and took the ticket and said april fool.
I have Bus pass.
Jab tum aine ke paas jate ho to aina kehta hai
beautiful beautiful?
aur jab tum aine se dur jate ho to aina kahata hai
? aprilfool, aprilfool ?
Jokes & Tricks
Rearrange somebody's drawers or file cabinets in a different order and see them baffled.
Hard boil an egg and place it in the regular egg carton the night before. In the morning, ask someone to help you make breakfast and beat the egg to make omelets. Hand them the hard-boiled egg and watch them trying to crack it!
On the other hand, you may just glue the eggs to the carton and ask someone to hand them to you in the morning. As the victims struggle to take the eggs out of the carton, they break.
There are lots of fantastic tricks for heavy sleepers. Some of the popular ones are:
Draw funny eyebrows and moustache on their faces while they are asleep.
Successful Pranks
Place a bottle of liquid dish soap into the toilet tank.
The next person to flush the toilet will be greeted
with an overwhelming amount of bubbles.
Glue and Water
Take a cup and put some glue and some water mix it up and put it on top of a door, open it just a
bit, have some one go out of it. When a person goes out of it they will get it all on top of them.
p.s. you can put milk and glue in a cup.
Bad Phone Connection
Pick one friend that you are going to abuse. Every time you call them at home, pretend that you
cannot hear them when they speak.
"Hello? Hello?" *click*
Everytime they call you, do the exact same thing.
You can always add in a few lines such as, "I don't know who you are, but this isn't a funny joke."
If you see them on the street, act suprised and relieved.
"Oh that's YOU calling me. Here I thought it was a crank caller!"
Usually they will blabber out some apology and all the time you can smile to yourself knowing you are really pulling one over on them.
Grease the Phone
Place Vaseline on the ear piece of a telephone receiver.
In a pinch, a tab of butter will work just as well. Or first aid cream.
This prank can also be used on unattended cell phones.
Bathroom Pudding
Smear chocolate pudding all over a bathroom. Works best in public bathroom, as people will most likely not clean it up. They will just try to avoid it but at the same time think its poo.
Frozen Bra
While your female roomie is asleep, take her bra, wet it and put it in the freezer. Then before she
wakes up put it back. Now all you have to do is sit back and wait til she puts it on in the morning.
Dandruff Prank
Very quietly sneek up on your victim and shake some salt into his hair. Your victim will think he has dandruff.
Cellophane Toilet Bowl Prank
Place clear cellophane over the toilet bowl but under the seat. Works best at parties where a large percentage of the people are drunk.
April Fool Greetings:

Great April fool Videos: [Click here]
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